Ditch Perfect Embrace Excellence


Gain true FREEDOM from perfectionism's hold, and HAPPINESS while achieving even more!

Is this You?

Exhausted from all the to-dos

Fear of failure

Procrastinating and feeling guilty

No work-play balance, just work

Constant tweaking to get it right

Everything falls on your shoulders

No time for yourself

Feeling undervalued and in constant competition

Self-criticism and self-doubt on hyperdrive

Yeah, me too!

But not ANYMORE! I mean, really - if I were still locked inside perfectionism, would I have EVER left that brown box on my picture so off-center?? NEVER!! How much time would it have taken me to figure out how to center it...hmmm... NOT WORTH IT!!

You see, I've been EXACTLY WHERE YOU ARE NOW. There was just so much SUFFERING in the way I was doing life. Always second-guessing, never good enough, afraid to fail, afraid to succeed, not enjoying pretty much anything. But what I discovered is so good, its results so PERMANENT, I just couldn't keep it to myself.

I FOUND THE KEYS to the cage of my perfectionism, UNLOCKED the door, and never looked back. Now I am doing things and experiencing my life as I'd never imagined I could and I want to show you how YOU CAN TOO!


You are moving forward in all areas of your life with more ease, and checking even more off the to-do list. You aren't afraid of failing. You've stopped being hyper-critical, without losing your high standards. Your self-esteem is sky-high and you're not alone any more. And that's just the beginning...

This is how we do it

The past as it has influenced
your present

It's DIFFERENT from High Standards

The Perfectionist Types

Perfectionist Paralysis

Why this is happening to you

Women have it worse. Yes, really.

Actions for the present to influence your future

The Cure is Empathy

Feeling Full

Practice Vulnerability


Make “Failure” a Success

What's Included?

17 Lessons

3.5 Hours of Video Content

30+ page Workbook

Private FB Group

What other perfectionists
are saying about the course

This course is amazing and transformative! Angela’s videos are engaging, while the assignments are well thought out and extremely helpful. Angela is definitely connected and is a highly inspirational facilitator.

Lynne B.

Trading perfectionism for excellence is such a valuable course. Angela is so relatable and does a great job sharing her personal experiences. The workbook is so helpful in having you actually look inward at some of the barriers you may have set for yourself. Many of the things Angela talks about I do catch myself doing, such as having trouble completing tasks or even procrastinating starting new goals/tasks because it seems so overwhelming and I'm not sure I'll get it done correctly. I think one of my biggest take aways was not to let the fear of things getting done perfectly stop me from trying to achieve some goals I have set for myself. I'm allowed to try and possibly fail, but at least I could still try and try again.

Crystle A.

I could feel myself transforming while I was taking it. I experienced small, powerful realizations along the way that by the end, helped me see the full picture of how perfectionism had held me back. I surrendered to the course and took action every time I was asked. It worked. I now feel more relaxed, more connected, and I know that I am supported in all areas of my life. The sense of calm and confidence I feel as a result of letting go of the minutiae and focusing on excellence as the bigger picture is priceless. I am grateful for this course - it came at the perfect time and redirected me to a path where I am able to prioritize what really matters and create more time for what I love. I'm transformed!

Penny K.

Enrollment is OPEN!

You could be FREE in only two weeks...

Speaking of FREE..

Why not grab a free resource, join me in our private Facebook group, or even book a Diva Discovery Session ?

I'm SO looking forward to getting to know you!

In Sisterly Love,


Diva's Harmony Handbook
7 Days to Sync Up Your Serene Rhythm and Hit Life's High Notes
No thanks, I've changed my mind