Overwhelmed to Empowered

Confidence Catalyst Group Coaching for Professional Women

» Are you juggling career aspirations, family obligations, societal expectations, personal goals –
feeling a suffocating sense of pressure?


» Are you in relentless pursuit of (near) perfection in your professional and personal roles –
suffering a pervasive fear of falling short, an ever-present sense of inadequacy?


» Are you caught in the middle of societal standards, comparison with others, and the fast-paced nature of modern life –
treading an overwhelming tide you navigate daily?


Overwhelmed to Empowered: Confidence Catalyst is a transformative journey tailor-made for today’s dynamic professional women. Join us as we navigate life’s bustling waters, uncovering invaluable tools to tame the tumult, conquer self-doubt, and tap into your inner strength.

By journey’s end, you’ll emerge with newfound confidence to reign over your domain with grace, authority, and unwavering resilience. It’s time to seize control of your destiny and thrive!

jump to the details in brief

Why is Confidence the Key?










Diva Decision Dominance (Empowered Decision-Making):

You make decisions with assurance and conviction and are able to navigate choices and challenges without succumbing to self-doubt, accelerating turnaround time for making the decisions you must make every day, every week, every year.


Time-Queen Tactics (Effective Time Management):

You manage your time more effectively, prioritizing tasks, delegate responsibilities with ease, and reducing the risk of becoming overwhelmed by an unmanageable workload.


Boundaries Like a Boss (Boundary Setting):

You assertively set and maintain your boundaries, knowing your limits and communicating them effectively, in turn preventing the accumulation of tasks and responsibilities that lead to overwhelm.


Resilience Radiance (Flexibility in the Face of Challenges):

You have a buffer against setbacks and challenges, viewing obstacles as temporary and surmountable, radiantly resilient rather than succumbing to the paralyzing effects of overwhelm.


Stress-Be-Gone Swagger (Improved Stress Management):

You manage stress effectively and better equipped to cope, reducing its impact and preventing it from escalating into overwhelming anxiety.


Femme Troubleshooting Prowess (Enhanced Problem-Solving Skills):

You approach problems with a solution-oriented mindset, able to tap your creativity to seek and implement effective solutions, diminishing the impact of stressors that contribute to feelings of overwhelm.


Superstar Skills Activation (Increased Self-Efficacy):

Your belief in your ability to accomplish tasks and conquer challenges on overdrive, this positive self-perception translates into a proactive approach to handling responsibilities, reducing your feeling overwhelmed.


Goddess Glow-Up (Positive Outlook and Mindset):

You’ve ignited a positive outlook on your future, this optimistic mindset acting as a protective shield, preventing the debilitating effects of overwhelming negative thoughts.


How Does It Work?








   6 Online Group Sessions

Engage in transformative group sessions conducted three times a month for two months, totaling 6 dynamic meetings over Zoom. Unleash your potential through a shared purpose and intention, guided by the creator mindset and self-actualization frameworks.


   Group Accountability and Support via Paperbell Client Dashboard (Inspiration Integration App coming soon!) and Diva Dynamics Facebook group

Your Client Dashboard is our hub to share worksheets, tasks, metrics and words of inspiration throughout the week, in between our group sessions. There’s nothing like a tribe cheering you on, and the FB group is where you can interact with our tribe for the duration of the program. Lifelong friends are in the making…

What Topics Will We Cover?

  Deepen Your Connection to Self

Feeling lost in the chaos of daily life? We’ll begin with powerful practices designed to peel back the layers of overwhelm and help you reconnect with your authentic self. By deepening your self-awareness, you’ll foster a profound sense of empowerment that helps you navigate life’s pressures with clarity and confidence.


  Uncover Hidden Barriers

Do self-limiting beliefs and an overload of choices leave you feeling trapped? This session focuses on identifying and confronting these hidden barriers that contribute to your overwhelm. By dismantling these obstacles, you’ll clear the path toward your aspirations, freeing yourself from the suffocating grip of doubt and opening the door to flourishing confidence.


Illuminate Your Empowered Journey

Feeling stuck and unsure of your next steps? Next we’ll help you map out a clear pathway to your goals. By identifying key skills and creating powerful connections, you’ll generate the momentum needed to move confidently towards an empowered future, no matter how busy your life gets.


  Build Mindful Momentum of Key Capacities for Growth

Are you struggling to make meaningful progress? We’re going to cultivate essential skills and capacities for growth. Through practical implementation and real-world application, you’ll keep moving forward, transforming overwhelm into actionable steps towards success.


  Fortify Your Resilience and Unstoppability

Do setbacks and challenges leave you feeling defeated? You’ll learn how to fortify your resilience and nurture an unstoppable mindset. You’ll develop strategies to overcome obstacles with a strengthened spirit, ready to face any challenge head-on and emerge more resilient and confident than ever.


Sparkling Completion Celebration

No more feelings of being unrecognized and undervalued! We conclude our journey with a celebration of your achievements! Embrace the spirit of the diva within you and revel in the completion of ‘Overwhelmed to Empowered – Confidence Catalyst.’ This final session is all about honoring your growth, resilience, and newfound confidence, as well as those of your group sisters. Whip out your tiara, it’s time to shine!

Is There Anything Else?













  Journal Your Journey 

Download a beautiful, specially crafted journal in PDF format, a powerful tool to document and reflect on your breakthroughs and progress throughout the program.


  Confidence Catalyst! Toolbox – A treasure trove of empowering resources!

~ Dive into my guided meditation series, specifically crafted to address overwhelm, boost confidence, and promote a positive mindset

~ Goal-setting and time management templates

~ Digital library of articles, e-books, and resources covering topics related to overcoming overwhelm, building confidence, and reclaiming your diva authenticity


  VIP Upgrade available: Personalized Guidance

Elevate your experience with the VIP Upgrade! You’ll participate not only in the group meetings but also receive

~ Two exclusive individual sessions with me where we can go even deeper

~ A hard copy of the journal by mail, so you can keep it at your bedside!

Why Should You Work With ME?

I’ve been there
As a professional singer, I understand the challenges of wearing multiple hats. I felt the relentless pressure to excel in every role, only to end up simultaneously neglecting myself and getting in my own way!


My relentless pursuit
of near-perfection led to silent suffering, constant self-doubt, and a persistent fear of not measuring up. Ironically, this quest for perfection prevented me from achieving the professional success and fulfilling relationships I desired.


Caught between
societal expectations of motherhood, partnership, financial stability, and professional comparisons, I struggled to navigate the overwhelming demands of “having it all”. For the longest time, I just kept tweaking and checking – thinking that if I just kept at it…


I decided to stop. With the practices and tools I will show you, I reconnected with my true self—the timeless, caring diva aligned with her purpose. I realized how accomplished I already was and embraced my inner confidence. I let go of old habits and perspectives that never served me.

My overwhelm and limitations disappeared.
Now, I want to help you do the same.

You are courageous. You are strong. You are brilliant. You are radiant.

I invite you to embark on a journey of self-discovery with me and a community of supportive women by your side.

 Join us now – Eliminate your overwhelm FOREVER no matter how busy you get.



At the Heart of It All

1x 15 minute onboarding session over Zoom

6x 90 minute dynamic group coaching sessions over Zoom

Diva Dynamics Journal

Confidence Catalyst Toolbox of resources

deepened connection to your authentic self

developed confidence, resilience and unstoppability

activation of your power to command your life’s stage with unwavering purpose and control

effective elimination of overwhelm from your life FOREVER

What's Next

Overwhelmed to Empowered
Confidence Catalyst group coaching 

I’m happy to answer any you may have!
Email Angela

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